Sunday, August 31, 2008


Hi ,I m Maaz Bin Tariq and i have done ma intermediate from The Bahria College.I really did not know that in which university will i go in up to my intermidiate,but eventually i thought of trying something quite interesting and innovative .So for that purpose szabist was the obvious choice,and media science was the field of which many people had never heard of so i opted for that.

As coming towards the personal interests and hobbies,I love playin games.I am very tentitive and sentimental.I love to laugh and make others laugh as well.I am crazy about weather and it is my dream to be chasing a hurricane some day.

The days which i have spend uptill now at szabist have been really awsome.The friends here at szabist have been really supportive and very nice and apart from this we all have got really gud teachers for securing our future.

May we all have the best of times at szabist.

1 comment:

Bina Aisha Shah said...

please write proper english with correct spellings! no "ma" when you mean "my" or "gud" when you mean "good".